• After they are made, the Tasmanian Planning Policies (TPPs) will be reviewed every five years.

When and why change occurs

A five yearly review of a policy or plan is the norm. The TPPs will have their first review five years after they are made.

Responsible authority

The State Planning Office, on behalf of the Minister, is responsible for the preparationof the TPPs. The TPC is responsible for assessing them.

Who else is involved?

Because the TPPs are comprehensive, the SPO has consulted widely in their preparation. All agencies with a role in land use planning have been involved in their development.

Is there an opportunity for public comment?

As in their creation, the TPP review process will include opportunities for public comment.

Basic process

The process is guided by the steps set out in Part 2A in the Land Use and Planning Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA).